SK4FGA - Scott-Knott for Forensic Glass Analysis
In forensics, it is common and effective practice to
analyse glass fragments from the scene and suspects to gain
evidence of placing a suspect at the crime scene. This kind of
analysis involves comparing the physical and chemical
attributes of glass fragments that exist on both the person and
at the crime scene, and assessing the significance in a
likeness that they share. The package implements the
Scott-Knott Modification 2 algorithm (SKM2) (Christopher M.
Triggs and James M. Curran and John S. Buckleton and Kevan A.J.
Walsh (1997) <doi:10.1016/S0379-0738(96)02037-3> "The grouping
problem in forensic glass analysis: a divisive approach",
Forensic Science International, 85(1), 1--14) for small sample
glass fragment analysis using the refractive index (ri) of a
set of glass samples. It also includes an experimental
multivariate analog to the Scott-Knott algorithm for similar
analysis on glass samples with multiple chemical concentration
variables and multiple samples of the same item; testing
against the Hotellings T^2 distribution (J.M. Curran and C.M.
Triggs and J.R. Almirall and J.S. Buckleton and K.A.J. Walsh
(1997) <doi:10.1016/S1355-0306(97)72197-X> "The interpretation
of elemental composition measurements from forensic glass
evidence", Science & Justice, 37(4), 241--244).